Friday, February 9, 2018

Coastal Oil Drilling

In January of 2018 Trumps administration put forward plans for offshore drilling. The Washington Post has an article in detail of Trumps administration proposal to permit oil drilling along the majority of the U.S coastal waters, the east coast, west coast, gulf of mexico, and even protected areas of the Arctic and the Atlantic. Although an opportunity for oil and gas industries, many oppose these plans due to environmental dangers, preservation of natural resources, and the potential catastrophes. One of the worst disasters was the Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Subsequently, Trump proposed to sale 77 million acres of the Gulf of Mexico alone to industries wanting federal oil. This is a plan that could cause much more harm than good, and will require a lot of push back to prevent this from passing. I find it vital that our society makes themselves aware of all of the issues we are facing. It is difficult to notice some of the things taking place in our country at this time due to the substantial number of crisis' we are facing. This particular issue appears small in comparison to some other issues, but is just as vital to prevent. Societies' health and safety, our environments health and safety, and the next generation is relying on us to make significant changes.

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